
Questions & Answers

7 20 Are all men, then, saved by Christ just as they perished through Adam?
Topics: Christ, Adam, Faith, Word, Forgiveness, Holy Spirit, Gospel, Apostles' Creed
29 78 Are then the bread and wine changed into the real body and blood of Christ?
Topics: Lord's Supper, Christ, Blood, Bread, Body, Holy Spirit, Baptism, Eternal Life, Suffering
44 114 But can those converted to God keep these commandments perfectly?
Topics: Tenth Commandment, Covet, Commandments, Law, Old Nature, Forgiveness, Christ, Grace, Holy Spirit, Image of God
5 14 Can any mere creature pay for us?
Topics: Justice, Debt, Mediator, Deliverer, Christ, Wrath of God
32 87 Can those be saved who do not turn to God from their ungrateful and impenitent walk of life?
Topics: Misery, Grace, Good Works, Christ, Blood, Holy Spirit, Image of God, Thankfulness, Faith, Repentance
5 13 Can we by ourselves make this payment?
Topics: Justice, Debt, Mediator, Deliverer, Christ, Wrath of God
27 72 Does this outward washing with water itself wash away sins?
Topics: Baptism, Christ, Holy Spirit, Blood, Forgiveness, Infant Baptism, Covenant, Church
26 69 How does holy baptism signify and seal to you that the one sacrifice of Christ on the cross benefits you?
Topics: Baptism, Christ, Body, Soul, Forgiveness, Grace, Crucifixion, Blood, Holy Spirit, Sin, Regeneration
28 75 How does the Lord's supper signify and seal to you that you share in Christ's one sacrifice on the cross and in all his gifts?
Topics: Lord's Supper, Christ, Crucifixion, Bread, Blood, Body, Soul, Forgiveness, Eternal Life
44 115 If in this life no one can keep the ten commandments perfectly, why does God have them preached so strictly?
Topics: Tenth Commandment, Covet, Commandments, Law, Old Nature, Forgiveness, Christ, Grace, Holy Spirit, Image of God
27 74 Should infants, too, be baptized?
Topics: Baptism, Christ, Holy Spirit, Blood, Forgiveness, Infant Baptism, Covenant, Church
32 86 Since we have been delivered from our misery by grace alone through Christ, without any merit of our own, why must we yet do good...
Topics: Misery, Grace, Good Works, Christ, Blood, Holy Spirit, Image of God, Thankfulness, Faith, Repentance
5 12 Since, according to God's righteous judgment we deserve temporal and eternal punishment, how can we escape this punishment and be...
Topics: Justice, Debt, Mediator, Deliverer, Christ, Wrath of God
7 23 What are these articles?
Topics: Christ, Adam, Faith, Word, Forgiveness, Holy Spirit, Gospel, Apostles' Creed
9 26 What do you believe when you say: I believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth?
Topics: Father, Creation, Christ, Children of God, Trust, Providence, Counsel of God, Body, Soul, Adversity
26 70 What does it mean to be washed with Christ's blood and Spirit?
Topics: Baptism, Christ, Body, Soul, Forgiveness, Grace, Crucifixion, Blood, Holy Spirit, Sin, Regeneration
28 76 What does it mean to eat the crucified body of Christ and to drink his shed blood?
Topics: Lord's Supper, Christ, Crucifixion, Bread, Blood, Body, Soul, Forgiveness, Eternal Life
44 113 What does the tenth commandment require of us?
Topics: Tenth Commandment, Covet, Commandments, Law, Old Nature, Forgiveness, Christ, Grace, Holy Spirit, Image of God
51 126 What is the fifth petition?
Topics: Fifth Petition, Sin, Forgiveness, Christ, Blood, Total Depravity, Grace
7 21 What is true faith?
Topics: Christ, Adam, Faith, Word, Forgiveness, Holy Spirit, Gospel, Apostles' Creed
5 15 What kind of mediator and deliverer must we seek?
Topics: Justice, Debt, Mediator, Deliverer, Christ, Wrath of God
7 22 What, then, must a Christian believe?
Topics: Christ, Adam, Faith, Word, Forgiveness, Holy Spirit, Gospel, Apostles' Creed
26 71 Where has Christ promised that he will wash us with his blood and Spirit as surely as we are washed with the water of baptism?
Topics: Baptism, Christ, Body, Soul, Forgiveness, Grace, Crucifixion, Blood, Holy Spirit, Sin, Regeneration
28 77 Where has Christ promised that he will nourish and refresh believers with his body and blood as surely as they eat of this...
Topics: Lord's Supper, Christ, Crucifixion, Bread, Blood, Body, Soul, Forgiveness, Eternal Life
12 32 Why are you called a Christian?
Topics: Christ, Anointing, Holy Spirit, Prophet, Priest, King, Counsel, Sacrifice, Govern, Word, Christian, Faith
12 31 Why is he called Christ, that is, Anointed?
Topics: Christ, Anointing, Holy Spirit, Prophet, Priest, King, Counsel, Sacrifice, Govern, Word, Christian, Faith
29 79 Why then does Christ call the bread his body and the cup his blood, or the new covenant in his blood, and why does Paul speak of a...
Topics: Lord's Supper, Christ, Blood, Bread, Body, Holy Spirit, Baptism, Eternal Life, Suffering
27 73 Why then does the Holy Spirit call baptism the washing of regeneration and the washing away of sins?
Topics: Baptism, Christ, Holy Spirit, Blood, Forgiveness, Infant Baptism, Covenant, Church
Actual Sin Adam Adultery Adversity Amen Angels Anointing Apostles' Creed Ascension Assurance Atonement Authority Baptism Bible Blasphemy Blood Body Bread Catechism Preaching Catechism Teaching Catechism, Bibliography Catechism, History of Catechism, Prooftexts of Catechism, Translation of Children Children of God Christ Christ, Divine Nature of Christ, Human Nature of Christian Church Comfort Commandments Communion of Saints Compendium Confession Conscience Consubstantiation Conversion Counsel Counsel of God Covenant Covet Creation Crucifixion Curse David Day of Rest Death Debt Deliverer Descent into Hell Devil Discipline Eighth Commandment Eternal Life Evangelism Eve Faith Father Fifth Commandment Fifth Petition First Commandment First Petition Forgiveness Fourth Commandment Fourth Petition Frederick III Good Works Gospel Govern Government Grace Greed Hatred Heidelberg, City of Hell Holy Spirit Idolatry Image of God Incarnation Infant Baptism Jesus Judgment Day Justice Justification Keys of Kingdom King Kingdom Law Life Lord Lord's Day Lord's Supper Love Lying Marriage Mass Means of Grace Mediator Mercy Misery Mission Work Money Murder Music Name of God New Nature Ninth Commandment Oath Old Nature Olevianus, Caspar Original Sin Parents Pontius Pilate Prayer Preaching Priest Prophet Prosperity Providence Ransom Redemption Regeneration Repentance Resurrection Sabbath Sacraments Sacrifice Saints Salvation Sanctification Second Commandment Second Petition Session Seventh Commandment Sin Sinful Nature Sixth Commandment Sixth Petition Son Soul Spirit Steal Suffering Sunday Temptation Tenth Commandment Thankfulness Third Commandment Third Petition Total Depravity Trinity Trust Truth Ursinus, Zacharias Virgin Mary Will of God Word World Wrath of God